Links for the week:
Some good stuff about writing to be found out there this week, beginning with Nathan Bransford’s post: Do You Suffer from One of these Writing Maladies? It’s worth reading for the Old Spice Guy Effect/Excessive Rug-Pulling section at the end.
The gem of the week: Marcus Sakey’s, How to Ensure 75% of Agents Will Request Your Material. If you’re working on a query letter for a novel, it’s definitely worth checking out!
In a time when some say the book tour should be replaced by blog tours and other online ways of getting your work seen, novelist Alix Strauss came up with an interesting idea for a book tour: holding appearances in hotels. Granted, a hotel plays an important role in Strauss’ latest novel, but it still shows that tours can work if you think a little different about where you hold appearances.
The best reason for sticking with writing you’ll read this week.
My friend, Erik, is writing a novella. I asked him what it was about and he told me he’s using an old screenplay as the basis for the novella. My first novel, which I’m planning to podcast soon, was a screenplay before it was a book. My favorite link this week was Chuck Wendig’s Hate Outlining? Start with a Screenplay.
And I stumbled upon this oldie but goodie again this week: About that Book Advance…
I hope everybody had a great week of writing; if not, here’s to next week!
Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for the link out! Glad you dug that post.
— c.
Thanks, Chuck. I only stumbled upon your blog recently, but it’s damn great stuff!