I recently wrote about a LinkedIn traffic trick that helped get more traffic from my LinkedIn profile to The Juggling Writer and my other sites.
In the last paragraph of the entry, I mentioned that I answer questions on LinkedIn when I feel I can help somebody or add to the conversation.
I recently answered a question asked by Denise Wakeman of buildabetterblog.com about business blogging. Whether we like it or not, writing is a business, and I always look outside the industry to see what’s working for other industries and seeing if it applies to what I’m doing as a writer.
Social Media Examiner
Today, Denise put together a great entry for Social Media Examiner about the The 5 Pillars of Business Blogging Success.
Part of my answer to Denise was used in the entry — so please head over and check it out.
It Does Take Time
My quote is very basic; it really does take time to build a blog following.
I know black hat SEO tricks I could use to increase my following, but I’m a very patient person. I’ve been writing for The Juggling Writer for over a year and I’ve only recently seen an increase in traffic and replies.
I make a living writing and editing technical documents from home, but it feels better than getting paid when somebody replies to something I wrote that helped them, or when a stranger lets me know they like my podcast.
And it’s a nice feeling knowing that I was able to answer a question posted on LinkedIn that helped somebody write a great entry about business blogging success that we writers can learn from.
Thank you, Denise!
I saw your linked name on SME- Congratulations!
Patience, Grasshopper. Great advice. 🙂
If nothing else, I’m patient 😉