If The Juggling Writer were a child, it would be on the cusp of tearing around with the energy of a caffeinated Chihuahua, making as much noise as it can.
It would demand attention: “IF YOU DON’T LISTEN TO ME, I’LL GET EVEN LOUDER!!!”
It would throw tantrums, but have also reached a point where it’s figured out there’s more out there and work to figure out its place in the world.
Year One / Year Two
The first two years of The Juggling Writer have been fairly focused, the entries written with the intent of pushing myself to capture my thoughts about writing into entries I hope have helped others.
Recently, a friend pointed out that while my fiction still has a spark, it’s become apparent in some of my other writing that I pay the bills as a technical writer. There’s a certain blandness that’s carried over to some entries.
I’m glad this friend pointed out the tech writing effect in a recent query letter; after he did (and after I rewrote the query letter to have some personality), it got me thinking about other things I write. I’ve been so into the “it’s not about me,” aspect of blogging that much of what I’ve written for The Juggling Writer lacks personality.
The information is all there, but just like the technical manuals and procedures I write, many of the entries during the first two years read like something from a trade journal.
The Terrible Twos
While the next year of The Juggling Writer won’t be the equivalent of a two-year-old tearing though the kitchen, pulling pots out of cabinets, and beating the hell out of them with metal ladles, I plan to have more fun.
Anyone who’s read Hell Comes with Wood Paneled Doors knows I have a sense of humor — and I want more of that to come through in the blog’s third year. I want to bug some talented friends for interviews. And I want to do more with video.
The blog’s not changing; it’s just getting better!
Thank You
So here’s to another year!
Thank you all for being there the first two years — I hope the next year of The Juggling Writer is the best one yet!
Ya, Happy B-Day TJW!
I enjoyed the video, keep juggling, keep writing!
Happy happy birthday! Keep it going, please! Love the blog, and the videos are an excellent touch. You have reason to celebrate!
It’s been great to follow along and get to see so much of your writing and your ideas!
Happy birthday to you!! We wish for you all the joy you can handle, plus a little extra!
Fun video, and a Happy Birthday to your website and blog! I hope you have another productive and fun year. Best Wishes! 😀
So…. what will you choose to raise a glass to Year 2 and one to Year 3? Make it good!!
Thanks everybody! It really means a lot to me that I can write these little entries and people like them. It’s not that I’ve ever drifted away from writing, but when I started The Juggling Writer, it was during one of the closest things to drifting away from writing I ever did. All I hoped for was that it would force me to keep writing at the front of my mind, no matter how busy I was with other things.
And it’s done just that. Since starting the blog, I’ve written the best thing I’ve ever written. I realize that while I only have a handful of writing credits that I’ve absorbed a lot about writing over the years. And the coolest thing: people I would have never known otherwise reply to things I write–many of whom I feel I now know.
That, more than anything, is my favorite thing about The Juggling Writer, so thanks to all those who read, and thanks to all those who read and take the time to reply. I know you can spend your time doing a bazillion-and-eight other things; that you choose to spend your time, here, is appreciated 🙂
Oh, and to answer Jaci’s question: I’m sure a good ol’ martini (maybe even two!) will be had this evening.
I have to admit, that’s the best part about posting online like this… sharing what you’re up to with friends and family, and meeting great new folks! There is also that helping people part (although I’m so new and do things the hard/wrong way ’round that I’m not tons of help, but if I can inspire someone to go ahead and give something they thought was hard a try, then I’ve done my job!), as well as learning new things through communication and finding new websites and blogs!
You are the man. A tiger among kittens, an ibex among lesser ibexes, a sharp, shiny pin amongst a field of overinflated balloons.
Happy birthday to The Juggling Writer! I always enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas, and I look forward to watching you have even more fun!