I know I can go 101 days without social media. Giving up Twitter, Google+, and especially Facebook isn’t too tough for me. I can go without a telephone, too. (I’m also not much of a fan of text messages.) The one thing I always check daily, though, is email. So…this past weekend, I unplugged it […]
Archives for August 2012
A Book Signing Warning
Years ago when I was doing a comic book with my wife, we had a brilliant idea: “Sign all orders!” Every book that sold through a distributor was signed before shipping. Looking back, we were lucky we only had to sign what probably totaled a little over 500 comic books. At the time, we thought […]
How To Do Things Regularly
While emailing a friend yesterday, we chatted a bit about keeping our writing momentum going. It’s easy to do something regularly for awhile, and then to let it all slip away. (That’s why you see the gym clear up in February and March as people let their new year’s resolutions fall to the side.) There […]
Avoiding the Avalanche
Recently, I’ve heard more than a few people (including writing friends), talk about how the beginning political season is already getting to them. I’ve heard others talk about how keeping up with all their social media sites feels like an avalanche. Others just feel overwhelmed, like there’s no time. If you’re a writer and outside […]
A Question of Time
I meant to write this post a couple weeks ago, but time got in the way. At least that’s how we’re conditioned to look at it — when we don’t get to things or do things, it’s a matter of time. “I don’t have the time,” has become our mantra…and our prayer is, “What I […]
Why Take a Social Media Break?
I like social media. I like staying in touch with friends from other places, chatting with people about writing and publishing, and finding people with similar hobbies and discussing them. Even at my quietest, years ago when I was terribly shy, I liked people. I love the Internet for no other reason than it’s brought […]
I’ve written some absurd stories in my time…deliberately. I’m fine with ridiculous; I can swallow the occasional thing that isn’t realistic for the sake of story. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: those who believe truth is stranger than fiction just aren’t reading the right fiction! Coleridge talked about “…that willing suspension […]
Making Time for What Matters
A writer friend shared the video above on Facebook this morning. Whether you were a fan of Mitch Hedberg’s comedy or not, there are some moments in the video that should hit home if you write. But there’s something in the video for anybody — writer or not. For those who don’t have time to […]
The Book Pile: Identity, by Mark Hosack
I preface this review by saying two things: 1) I am friends with Mark Hosack and 2) This review is based on an advanced reading copy — not what you can buy right here. (On special, even!) But back to the advanced reader copy thing…this review is based on that. For all I know, in […]
Landing Our Curiosity
So last night we landed a science laboratory on the surface of Mars. Let me say that again: last night, we landed a science laboratory on the surface of Mars! It hit me at some point watching the landing live: two things that have always inspired me are science and writing. While I don’t write […]
Paying Your Dues
As I get older, there’s something I’ve seen more and more at jobs: people my age (and older) claiming those new to the workforce are spoiled because “They think they are entitled to things without paying their dues.” A couple jobs ago, somebody in their early 20s came in and many of the people who […]