The world didn’t end today.
I almost hate writing something about the supposed end according to the Maya that was never real from the start. But I try seeing good even in ridiculous things. As goofy as it is giving credence to the belief that the world would end today, if you pretend it was supposed to actually happen — then we all got an extension on life!
If we pretend those who believe in prophecies could even vaguely be right, then we all got a do-over. Not just a new year, but a new life — starting today! That’s a once in a lifetime kind of thing (or at least a reprieve until the next wacky doomsday prophecy comes along).
So…now that you have a second chance at all the things you think about doing but don’t, what are you actually going to do with your new life?
Oh, I have plans… /devious laugh
Plans which, uh, you’ve already seen. So… yeah.