Inspired by Austin Kleon’s cool phone lock screen, I made the lock screen you see here. It’s not that I really need the reminder to write, because most days begin with writing — and those day’s that don’t…I usually write in the evening. But… Some Days I Don’t Write I will admit that there are […]
Archives for July 2014
How Do You Write?
Getting from one side of a novel to the other… There comes a point in my writing process that I take over the living room for the day. Whether it’s bits and pieces of a story written on note cards, or printed sections of a manuscript color coded and spread out on the floor so […]
A Matter of Strength
I didn’t get along very well with school. It seemed there was little encouragement for the things I did well and a pile of chiding and force put into the things I didn’t do so well. My schooling seemed fixated on pushing me to put 10 times the effort toward my weaknesses, while rarely encouraging […]