I slept in this morning.
I looked at the clock around 4:30 and thought, “Up now, or another hour of sleep?”
I opted for another hour.
I did the same thing at 5:30. (I like getting up between 5:00 and 5:30 to write on days I work from home.)
When I got out of bed at 6:45, I noticed the apartment wasn’t as dark as it’s been in the mornings.
I already miss 7:30 sunrises…
A Fragile Bubble
I love that bubble of time on winter mornings, when it’s cold and dark and the world sleeps in.
There’s a silence like no other as the neighborhood stays down just a bit longer and waits for light.
By the end of the month, the sun will be up around 7:00 a.m., and the bubble will pop.
Mornings will become active again. By the arrival of summer, the sun will be up an hour and 10 minutes sooner than in winter.
But for now, mornings are still dark enough. (And even in summer, one is never more than a very early morning lost in the bubble…)
I get my best writing done in the pre-dawn. It’s almost as though I’ve conditioned myself to need the darkness in order to write (which is not a good thing since I’m awake and able to write far more in the daylight than in the darkness).