As the 80-Day challenge to get the current draft of the novel-in-progress readable clicks along, it’s that time of the year: The September Silence.
Named by a friend who missed seeing me on Facebook each September when I logged out to kick off my favorite writing time of the year (September – November), it has begun. And this year, because September first falls on the Friday before Labor Day Weekend, I’m taking the day off to write.
(I have a certain fondness for making Labor Day a day dedicated to writing.)
I’m writing this on August 30, and I’m not sure yet if this September will be the usual break from Facebook, or a more complete social media break. (I actually enjoy Twitter because its Lists feature allows me to see things that interest me most, and not the rantings of friends-of-vague-friends that Facebook serves up, even when hiding people.)
No matter what I decide, it’s time for darker mornings, silence, and focusing on slower things…
CM Stewart says
Yes, that time of year which holds magic for writers… The Writtening…
It’s 100% fall up in NH. Time to hunker down.
Deacon McClendon says
The crispness is coming!