The September Silence of 2022 is over.
With it being a bigger election year, the urge to return at the end of November is appealing…for many reasons. But…there are things I’ve missed this past month, and I can always step back again if things seem too noisy.
Another September Silence
This year, like last, I decided I’d still look at Instagram (because I have it set up to not be as noisy as other platforms). Still…in recent years, I’ve broken the silence to post about what friends are up to.
This year, I didn’t even do that…
What Was Up in My September?
I suppose my big-ish thing for September wasthe release of the latest episode of Not About Lumberjacks.
“In the Margins” closed out year seven of my audiofiction podcast. (Seven years! I love that!)
And man, I loved this story!
I described “In the Margins” like this: “When Kenna Baynes discovers a strange book in her college library, she finds something in the margins that changes her life forever…”
It was a story I started with no planned ending, and what ended up being written was better than anything I would have plotted. It’s a heart-felt story I really adore!
Much of my September was spent on day-job stuff. It’s a very busy time at work, but…I didn’t let it take anything away from the things I do. I’m fortunate to have a day job that doesn’t get in the way (too much) of things my job allows me to do without concern for any level of “success.”
It was a good month…
What I Didn’t Talk About…
Three friends had good book news in September. I suppose I’ll just post things in order…
I’ll start with Rubén Degollado, who’s latest novel, The Family Izquierdo, came out in early September.
There’s a reason it was a Kirkus Reviews most-anticipated book of the fall, and why it just got a write-up in the New York Times. It’s a beautiful book, and you should buy it!
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If you listened to the most recent episode of Not About Lumberjacks, you know the mighty Rick Coste has a book based on his educational podcast, Evolution Talk, coming out in October.
Rick is a big reason I started Not About Lumberjacks, and I’ve pre-ordered his book (and will also buy the audio version because I love hearing Rick narrate things).
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If you ever look at comments, here…or pay attention to people I talk about, you’ve likely heard me mention Paul Lamb. Paul’s novel, One Match Fire , also comes out in October.
I’ve read some of the chapters from the novel and…well, there’s a reason Paul is my favorite writer who should be known more. He’s just so damn good!
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Normally, I take a break from the annual September social media break to mention what friends have going on, but I know none of them would begrudge me staying away during my own writing new year. (In fact, it’s probably better to spread things out…)
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Writing Retreat 2022
If you’ve hung around here for any length of time, you know I do an annual writing retreat with a friend. Since starting in 2013, we only missed one year (for COVID).
It was looking like we might miss this year (we are both very busy with work and other things), but mid November will find us in East Texas for a long weekend.
I’m excited because we might actually have cooler weather by then…and maybe (just maybe) see some leaves changing color out east!
It’s important to claim writing time…even for only a long weekend with a friend.
It would have been easy to skip the retreat and pick up in early spring, but I’m glad we decided to not let it side away for 2022…
A Random Thing
My wife and I tend to watch YouTube more than television shows.
The September Silence found us watching a lot of Matthew Norway, an English cyclist living in Norway who documents his rides way up north.
I love that someone can make a channel like this on their own and then…end up working with a nation’s government to promote something he (and so many others) love…
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So that’s it, a recap of the September Silence 2022.
In ways, I want to keep going with it, but a break is always right there whenever it’s needed.
I recommend them anytime the mood hits…
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Photo: Carter Baran
Thanks for the kind words. Kinda high praise for me to live up to though.