Two days ago, this blog turned 15 years old.
I was coming up on the final months at my job at the time (only, I didn’t know it: I planned to leave the following summer, but ended up laid off the week before Christmas), and I decided to have a place to really talk about writing.
Over the years, it went from a more typical blog in which I thought, “Well, these things work for me…and maybe they will help others, so I’ll share those things…” to a place to post random thoughts about writing and what I was up to.
Writing Retreats and Thoughts
Even when I’ve not posted much, here, I always shared updates about the annual writing retreat.
I didn’t even do that this past year.
I made a video about last spring’s retreat, but never shared it here:
And while I’m always thinking about writing, I didn’t feel as compelled to share every thought. (Or…I’d start something and realize the effort and time should have gone to actual writing.)
Not About Lumberjacks stories, no matter how much I plan to shorten them, seem to all become novelettes these days. And it’s more than enough to get those stories out while working a day job and getting outside more.
In the last entry, I mentioned a little health thing I’ve been dealing with. The good news: the cardiologist isn’t too concerned and wants to try a supplement and some continued lifestyle changes before considering medication or other options. So, now that better news has come along, I’m not as concerned with that. (I just need to continue focusing on health before some other things — like this blog.)
It seems each recent year, I close the anniversary entry with, “So…who knows what the next year will bring…”
I tend to share things on Patreon first, and often don’t feel like putting the effort in to cross post a rewritten version of things here. I tend to work on stories and just enjoying time off work more, now that I don’t see writing as a way out of a day job.
But I am thinking about about writing in different ways than I did just a handful of years ago.
So…who knows what the next year will bring…
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